Progressive Migration

We can help you migrate your legacy systems in stages, allowing you to minimize disruptions and maximize the benefits of the migration

Progressive Migration is a method of moving systems and data from older technology to newer, more advanced technology in stages. This approach allows businesses to minimize disruptions and maximize the benefits of the migration. It also allows them to test and validate the new system before fully committing to it.

Progressive Migration

Weighing the Advantages and Challenges

Pros and Cons of Progressive Migration

The Progressive Migration approach has several technical advantages over other migration strategies such as replatforming or full replacements. One key benefit is that it allows for a phased approach to migration. This means that the migration process can be broken down into smaller, manageable steps, which allows for a more controlled and less risky migration. Additionally, the Progressive Migration approach allows for the introduction of modern programming principles and technologies in a gradual manner, which can help to ensure that the codebase remains maintainable and scalable over time.

Another advantage of the Progressive Migration approach is that it allows for the preservation of existing investments in the codebase and infrastructure. This can help to reduce the overall cost of migration, as well as minimize business disruptions caused by the migration process. Furthermore, Progressive Migration approach enables to continuously improve the application during the migration process, instead of doing it all at once.

Additionally, Progressive Migration approach allows for the use of automated refactoring tools which can significantly speed up the migration process, while also helping to ensure that the codebase remains stable and functional throughout the migration.

It's important to note that the Progressive Migration approach may take longer than other migration strategies, as it involves a phased approach and may require more resources and expertise to implement. However, the benefits in terms of reduced risk and cost, and improved maintainability and scalability, make it a viable option for many organizations.

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